Lucky animals-discover your lucky symbol

Lucky animals are a concept as old as our history. In constant need of attracting good energy and fortune, different cultures have turned to nature for answers to their tremendous luck or lack thereof. Join us on this short trip to get to know your lucky symbol in more detail.

Top 10: lucky Animal in the world

1. Rabbit

The rabbit as a lucky Animal

This lucky symbol is associated with fertility and prosperity. Its presence is evident in anglo-Saxon culture, where an ancient superstition states that repeating the word rabbit three times in a row on the first day of the month will result in good luck until the end of it. In other parts of the world it is tradition to offer a white stuffed rabbit to children as a vow of a prosperous life. For us, fans of best online casinos , this is a symbol that often appears to us in slots games.

If in New Zealand the relevance of this lucky symbol is not very striking, in countries such as the United States of America, the animal's paw is used as an amulet. Not just any paw, but rather the left hind paw and the one that accompanied many casino and sports betting players. To each his own superstition!

2. Dolphin

The Dolphin is considered a lucky Animal in various cultures

One of the most popular animals in the world could not be left off our list. After all, the old ones civilizations of Greece, Egypt and Turkey they put them in a prominent place as lucky animals. Ancient Christians and Native Americans regarded these docile creatures as a symbol of good fortune.

No wonder, because even sailors in trouble knew that when encountering dolphins, they should not be too far from land. There are still countless stories of dolphins that saved lives, which have become ingrained in moderna culture. Ornaments based on these animals are a symbol of luck, largely derived from the mythological legend of Dionysus in Ancient Greece.

3. Cricket

Cricket is considered a lucky Animal in Chinese culture

The seemingly friendly insect gives a soundtrack to summer evenings. For some, a blessing, for others a nuisance that keeps them awake at dawn, cricket takes its rightful place as a symbol of luck on this list. In Chinese culture it is considered one of the main lucky animals and is often kept in a small cage as a pet.

If doubts persist, the animated film Mulan , from Disney, gives us that same perspective. Also on dollarpa this symbol results in luck and money for families facing the same. In Ireland it is believed that we should refer to crickets in good terms in order to obtain good luck and keep the less sympathetic creatures of Celtic mythology at a proper distance.

4. Goldfish

Goldfish is a symbol of luck in Slavic and Chinese culture

The friend of many New Zealand households is also a popular symbol of luck in Slavic culture. Much of its mythology attaches a relevant importance to this friendly being, with the assignment of three wishes whoever catches him. Any comparisons to the story of Aladdin and the 40 Thieves is mere coincidence.

Also in Asia, the goldfish is one of the eight Sacred Symbols of Buddha, representing fertility, harmony and fortune. In Ancient Greece it was believed that this very symbol attracted good luck, helping to maintain a solid marriage. A similar belief was present in Ancient Egypt.

The goldfish is present in Feng Shui due to its delicate movement, associated with the Chi. If there is a shred of truth to how these lucky animals attract the right energies, those of us who share space with them may be tempted to test our luck in life. irresistible roulette . If something goes wrong, we can always blame the fish.

5. Elephant

The Elephant is one of the main symbols of luck in Asian culture

The Friendly Giant had to be on this list and it is no coincidence. Thousands of people buy crockery elephants all over the world in order to attract good luck and ward off bad luck. In Asia, with a special focus on Southeast Asia, elephants appear in pairs at the entrance of shops and other businesses to protect them from bad luck.

Its role has been recognized for centuries as a sacred animal for many cultures. Hinduism regards the elephant as a sacred animal. it puts him on the level of Divinity. The best example is the Hindu god Ganesh, whose head is precisely that of an elephant. Throughout India it is thus natural to find images of this animal as a symbol of luck.

6. RAS̃

The Frog is considered a symbol of luck in Chinese culture

We remain in Asia for a few more lines, where the Frog is considered one of the main symbols of luck. In China, it is believed that it brings good luck and prosperity, finding three-legged frog an excellent example of an amulet. Legend has it that Lu-Hai, an immortal, saved a three-legged frog from a well. As a token of her gratitude, every day the Frog offered her a gold coin from a secret treasure. We would say that this is the mythological version of a excellent welcome bonus and we certainly wouldn't turn our backs on a Golden Friendship.

This legend appeals to the attraction of positive energies and it invites you to do good deeds. Whether the reward comes in monetary form or not is debatable, but there is still another reason why the Frog is considered a lucky animal. Its association with rain, fruits, vegetables and the growth of crops translates into the end of hunger.

7. Horse

The horse is one of the most popular lucky animals in the world

The horse's popularity derives largely from its strength, speed and bearing. It is no coincidence that these animals are a symbol of freedom, strength and power. Their presence in numerous stories of Greek mythology have helped cement the concept that these are lucky animals. Few as famous as Pegasus, the winged horse that integrates some of the most engaging adventures of Greek mythology.

Legends exist that place the horse as a vital ally against the forces of evil. By being able to see what humans could not, the relationship between us and these animals soon fueled superstitions. The horseshoe of the horse it is one of the best examples in our culture to attract good luck and ward off bad luck.

8. Nut

The Pig is a symbol of luck in China

It is no surprise that the pig is an unloved animal. However, many cultures consider it as a lucky animal. Integral in the Chinese zodiac, it also has a meaning rooted in Germany, Ireland and Scandinavian countries. If you ever had a piggy bank, it is likely to have been shaped like a pig, as this symbolizes a prosperous future.

In China, it is believed that the pig attracts good luck to those who have their own business. Thus, it is not uncommon for us to find Chinese who carry with them a talisman in The Shape of a pig. When it comes to entertainment, they abound fantastic slots they use this and other lucky symbols throughout numerous themes.

9. Tiger

The Tiger is one of the main lucky animals in China

The majestic tiger is on the list of lucky animals in China. Like the pig, it is also part of the Chinese Zodiac and it stands out for its strength and courage. Representative of a powerful energy, it is associated with Tsai Shen Yeh, the God of Fortune. The tiger is thus an animal symbol of prosperity and fortune, to which is added the ability to ward off evil forces.

We found this lucky animal hanging on the walls as a talisman along the Chinese New Year. The intention is to attract luck while driving away negative energies. As you would expect, you can carry a small amulet with you in your pocket everywhere. Will he bring you luck? You can always test one blackjack hand online to prove it.

10. Ladybug

The ladybug is considered a lucky Animal a little all over the world

It seems impossible, but the adorable ladybug is a fearsome insect. It is also one of the most popular lucky symbols around the world. Virtually all cultures take this animal into account when attracting good luck. Legend has it that if one of these insects lands on us, we should count your pints and that number represents the lucky months that lie ahead.

Other similar beliefs say you should make a wish if the ladybug lands on you. Worse, they are protected by the popular belief that bad luck will haunt anyone who does them harm. To make sure, ideally you choose to count pints or make a wish. If it results in more luck, why not?

Lucky animals in mythology

Did you find your lucky animal in the previous lines? The following are part of the mythology, but they retain their importance as symbols of luck. Over the centuries they have remained present in different cultures, maintaining until today a symbolism that is worth knowing.


The Unicorn is a mythological symbol of luck

Scotland claims that this mythological creature belongs to its mythology, while in New Zealand we are aware of it, but our cultural roots do not attach so much importance to it. This animal symbol represents purity and strength, as well as good luck. For centuries many believed that this animal was real, but until proven otherwise, it remains a product of imagination and symbolism.

History says that even the most highly regarded Greek philosophers such as Aristotle they concluded that unicorns were real, even if they had no magical powers. Numerous legends attribute miraculous results to these creatures who intervened on the side of good. Currently, they are a company of princesses and children's cartoons.


The Dragon is one of the main symbols of luck in China

One of the most powerful symbols of luck, the Dragon finds in Chinese culture a role of enormous prominence. The Emperor of China himself was considered a direct descendant of this mythological animal in past eras. According to popular belief, this animal has a good nature, being the Lord of rain and water. It is now believed to offer protection, strength and good luck.

You find dragon figures all over China, but also in other parts of the world. From the Scandinavian countries to Southeast Asia, this is a lucky animal whose imposing figure attracts positive energy. Even today we find fascinating stories that include dragons, highlighting the television series Game Of Thrones.


The Phoenix is one of the oldest lucky animals

The Phoenix represents the Renaissance and renewal. Legend has it that each of these mythological birds lived for 500 years, with only one existing in the world at a time. At the time of its death, the bird would Nest and immolate itself by fire. From its ashes, the Phoenix was reborn, resulting in the still popular term reborn from the Ashes.

It is still today one of the most popular lucky animals and adopted as a symbol of luck and perseverance by different cultures. From Ancient Greece and Egypt, it is also present in Chinese culture. Owning a figure of this bird at a certain point in your home results in prosperity or a solid marriage.

Frequently asked questions about lucky animals

Surely you will have one or another lucky animal in mind that was not mentioned in this list. In fact, almost all animals have one. particular significance in each culture it is interesting to know the differences between each. Below we will introduce you to some questions related to this theme, which we hope has been as fun for you to discover each lucky animal as it was for us.

🐇 Is it true that one of the lucky symbols is an animal's paw?

Yep. O friendly rabbit it is the target of this ancient superstition. Not just any rabbit's foot, but before the left hind paw. The origins of this lucky symbol are as old as Man and for obvious reasons, have fallen into disuse in recent years.

🐎 What are some of the most popular lucky animals?

The world is full of lucky symbols alluding to animals. It is common to find the horses in various cultures , as well as the rabbit, goldfish, cricket, dolphin and many others. Finally, there are no limits to luck the moment we make sense of it.

🐘 What animals are known to attract good luck?

Some more than others, but our list of Top 10 lucky animals that's a great place to start. You will find animals of all sizes, from the elephant and its importance a little bit all over Asia, down to the little cricket. There are lucky animals here for every taste.

🦄 What mythological animals are symbols of luck?

There are numerous animals associated with mythology all over the world. You will be able to find the unicorn , the dragon or the Phoenix. Although they all have characteristics and derived from different beliefs , all are considered as lucky animals.

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